[DC] Live Coverage of Ultra Trail Mt. Fuji / #UTMF 2013

2nd edition of ULTRA-TRAIL Mt.FUJI is cerebrated with deeper field of elite runners from the world than last year.

With runners from foreign countries (15% of total), UTMF (161km, 9,164mD+, 46 hours limit) goes off at JST 3pm, Friday April 26 (11pm of Thursday in PST/USA, 8am of Friday in CET/Paris). Sister race, STY (85km, 4,860mD+, 24 hours limit), starts two hours earlier. 2000 runners (800 in UTMF, 1200 in STY) will take off for journey around the Japan’s iconic mountain, Mt. Fuji.

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We will live cast this event on Twitter @Dogsorcaravan in ENGLISH, as well as we post periodical update in Japanese on our Facebook page.

【公式ライブ配信】上田瑠偉が出場のショートトレイル競技 45km は日本時間8日木曜日16時から配信、WMTRC世界選手権(オーストリア・インスブルックおよびステューバイ) #WMRTC2023

Please find our twitter update window below.

Any questions and discussions from reader are welcome.

Speedgoat Mountain Races by UTMBは今週末開催、米国屈指のタフなエンデュランス・レース

Livecast by DogsorCaravan.com

Koichi Iwasa, journalist and editor of DogsorCaravan.com tweet and post personal notes and photos about UTMF in Twitter @Koichi2000 and his Facebook profile.

Stay tuned in DogsorCaravan.com.

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