[DC] #Hasetsune 世界を旅して、そしてクライミングに興味を持つ理由・Dakota Jones レース前インタビュー(1)

10月7日(日)午後1時にスタートするハセツネカップこと日本山岳耐久レース。アメリカからやってきたDakota Jonesに本日インタビューしました。まずは今年、アメリカだけでなくヨーロッパのレースでも活躍し、そして日本にやってくるという世界を旅して歩いた一年をふり返り、学んだことについて聞きました。そして、最近、トレイルランニングにとどまらず、切り立った岩場を軽装で駆け上がっていくファストクライミングに取り組んでいることについて、なぜそのようなスタイルで山に登るのか聞いてみました。

Dakota Jones/ダコタ・ジョーンズの活躍振りについては、当方の紹介記事をご参照ください。

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[DC] #Hasetsune ハセツネのコースを試走しての感想、ランナーへのメッセージ・Dakota Jones レース前インタビュー(2) | DogsorCaravan.com


【Dakota Jones / ダコタ・ジョーンズ 2012年ハセツネ レース前インタビュー(1)】

DogsorCaravan.com: Hi, this is DogsorCaravan.com’s Koichi Iwasa, 42 years old. Now I’m going to interview Dakota Jones, 21 years old, I’m double aged. 今日はハセツネを日曜日に控えて、アメリカからやってきたダコタ・ジョーンズさんにインタビューします。 

DC: First of all, I would like to ask your general experience this year, after that we would like to talk about Hasetsune.前半で彼の今年の活躍、経験について話を聞いた上で、後半でハセツネの話を聞いてみたいと思います。 

DC: This year, you are a world traveler. You live in Durango, Colorado. This year you traveled Canary Islands, run TransVulcania and won. Next Zegama, and go back to Colorado and run Hardrock. Then you went to Chamonix, did not run but helped your friend. How did you enjoy these all trip? 

Dakota Jones: It was a great year. It was amazing. Travel around the world, run races, and see other places, beautiful places, also meet a lot of people I have never met otherwise.I get around Canary Islands, we run around big volcano. Amazingly, Zegama, we are in amazing part of Spain, I’ve never seen before. And I went around Hardrock again, one of my favorite race in the world, just beautiful 100 mile race in Colorado. Since then I get to go to the Teton, in Wyoming, Then I was in Chamonix for a while, since the I was in two races in Italy, I get climb in Mont-Blanc. Just last week, I was in Spain again, different part of Spain, Pyrenees. I got to run 84 km race there. It’s very incredible. And now, I’m in Tokyo to run this race. 

DC: この一年間スペイン、カナリア諸島、アメリカに戻ったり、いろんな人と出会って、ヨーロッパのいろんなところをみてくることができた、ということですね。そこでどんなことを学んだか、聞いてみたいと思います。Before this year, most of your races were in Colorado, California. Now this year you run a lot. What was your take away from those whole global experience this year? Did you change your attitude or thoughts on trailrunning, or mountaineering? 

Dakota: Yeah, what was interesting I found is that, yes first I ran regional races, now I get travel around the world to run races. What I notice is that it’s very much the same. You know people who run the races in America, they do it for the same reasons that people run that races or ultramarathons in Japan, and they run for the same reasons in Europe. It’s like the similarity. I think it’s cool that this is universal quality of trailrunning, that we all appreciate all relate to. You know so because of that, I’ve gone all these different places, and I always felt very much of quality, which is very cool. Through that, I also get experience that different cultures like here I am in Japan. It is very foreign to me but very interesting, fun to see. In Italy, I get to see mountain cultures in Italy, It’s same. Catalonia, very different from other places in Europe. Chamonix is just, crazy. It was fun to see the differences of the cultures, then very similar ways of ultrarunning in different part of the world. 

DC: When I saw the video of TransVulcania, people are so frenzy, very excited, helicopters are going around. That won’t happen in Hardrock. Even though, you found people who run trail share value. 

Dakota: Yes. There is no helicopter in Hardrock, I mean it’s a very difficult race through beautiful places. Same things for TransVulcania, Same things for UTMB, and Hasetsune. 


DC: What about new friends like Kilian? I read you two climb Mont Blanc from Courmayeur to the top of that. How was that experience? 

Dakota: It was amazing, beautiful. I mean Kilian is an incredible athlete, that was very exciting to climb with him. Climb itself was one of the most exciting thing I’ve ever done in the mountains. We started and go uphill for 2,000m, and we get through the glacier for two hours, the we get out rocks then rock climbing another thousand meters. We get to the top. Just incredible views everywhere. We got perfect day, beautiful weather. That’s what I wanted to do. I just don’t wanna run, I wanna climb all the mountains, technical mountains too. It was really cool step towards I ultimately do more of. Chamonix, Courmayeur, Mont Blanc, the whole area were so beautiful. 

DC: この夏、彼がシャモニーに行ったときにキリアンとクールマイヨール側からモンブランに登った話を聞きました。コンディションも最高で、キリアンはクライマーとしてもトップレベルの力を持ったアスリートだという話でした。今の話を聞いて、彼はもうトレイルランナーというよりは又一つ違うレベルのマウンテンスポーツを楽しもうとしているのかなと思いました。その点を聞いてみたいと思います。When I try to describe your career, “trail runner” or “ultramarathoner” is not enough for you. Maybe “speed climber” or “mountain explorer”, whatever you name it. Your interest or focus is changing or getting broader. Do you have any idea on that? 

Dakota: It is the evolution, I think. I do trailrunning or ultramarathon. It makes me very exciting and I like it. But I don’t wanna to the same thing forever. So what else to do, I am always managed to do mountain climbing, and alpinism climbing. What I am interested is doing like Kilian and I did in Mont Blanc. Fast climbing big mountains long. Combine what I am interested in. Trailrunning and climbing, so by climbing mountains very fast, I get to do them both. I take a view, style, attitude towards both of them. 

DC: 彼がいうにはトレイルランニングもウルトラマラソンも呼び名にこだわらず、山を速く登っていくということに興味があって、それがクライミングと結びついてモンブランを登ったりするということだそうです。山を速く登る、ということに彼はフォーカスしているということなんですね。As far as I learned, you guys did climbing Grand Teton this summer as well. Such fast climbing is getting popular among elite, top runners? Do you know why? 

Dakota: I can’t speak of anybody else, but myself, I just know I like mountains, and running is a good way to experience mountains because you go long distances and see a lot of things in a short period of time. But running is not enough to see all the mountains. I wanna climb mountains, difficult mountains. Technical climbing is required to get up all the mountains. Grand Teton is a good example, being ok with big height. I think it’s the very beginning of the world of possibility. I just want to experience big mountains and a difficult mountains in a new way. I think with gears we have these days. We have ability to go more places than ever before. Lightweight, efficient. 150 years making gear better. Finally getting like perfect. All the changes are just minor, because all the biggest changes are made. 

DC: 彼と同じようにトニー(Anton Krupicka)なんかもスピードクライミングに関心を持っているようなので、アメリカの有力ランナーはみんなそんな関心を持っているのか、と聞いてみたんですね。そういう傾向はあるということですね。彼自身についていえば、速く山を登ることができる、自分の可能性を試すことができる。そしてギアがすごく進化してファストクライミングという山の楽しみ方ができるようになってきている、ということなんですね。

(追記:上のインタビューの中で触れている、Dakotaがこの夏にKilianとモンブランのファスト・クライミングをしたときの動画を下に貼ります。2012/10/07 0:11)

シェン・ジアシェン Jiasheng Shen 申加升 Transgrancanaria 2024 レース前インタビュー


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