[DC] Dakota Jones / ダコタ・ジョーンズ ハセツネ2012レース後インタビュー

10月7日(日)に東京・奥多摩山域で行われたハセツネこと第20回日本山岳耐久レース。大会記録を9分更新して7時間22分で優勝したDakota Jones/ダコタ・ジョーンズさんにレース翌日の10月8日(月)にインタビューをしました。初めて走ったハセツネの印象、近藤さんや菊島さんとの駆け引き、日本のトレイルランナーへのメッセージなどを聞きました。


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[DC] #Hasetsune Dakota Jonesが10月7日のハセツネに参戦?! | DogsorCaravan.com

[DC] #Hasetsune 世界を旅して、そしてクライミングに興味を持つ理由・Dakota Jones レース前インタビュー(1) | DogsorCaravan.com

[DC] #Hasetsune ハセツネのコースを試走しての感想、ランナーへのメッセージ・Dakota Jones レース前インタビュー(2) | DogsorCaravan.com

(追記・インタビューを文字に起こしました 2012/10/10 17:27)

【Dakota Jones / ダコタ・ジョーンズ ハセツネ2012レース後インタビュー】

DogsorCaravan.com: This is Koichi Iwasa, DogsorCaravan.com here with Dakota Jones, the winner of Hasetsune race yesterday, and new course record holder.  Congraturations.

Dakota Jones: Thank you.

DC: How was the race?  Was it as you expected, or not?  What was the difference?

Dakota: It was hard to expect a lot of it because, go ahead of the most of the course, climbs are so many little ones.  They just took me a whole suprise, I mean in my head I knew all be there, it just hurts when you encounter in early miles.  You hit the 50m climbs, super steep, then its so steep on the other side. Then it hurts when you go downhills, too.  So, I was just a kind of dealing with that all long day.

DC: Especially the first ten miles or so.

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Dakota: Yeah, up to Mt. Mito was very difficult.

DC: 昨日のレースを終えて、最初にイメージしていたことと違ったところがあったか、と聞いてみました。小さなアップダウンがすごくたくさんあって、思った以上にきつかった、特に最初の西原峠から三頭山までの登りはきつかった、ということです。日本人の選手でもハセツネに初めてでると苦しむパートですね。When it comes to how the race develops, I talked to 2nd place guy Kondo-san, and 3rd guy Kikushima-san, they said you are pretty much conservative in the first part of the race.  Then you catched up Kondo-san, your lead keep getting larger and larger.  Kondo-san said he felt pressure from you because you are just behind him for a long time.  How do you feel such race with them.

Dakota: I really enjoyed running with them.  I don’t know wheather I was running conservatively, I knew they ran the race before, what they are dealing.  Kondo-san and I were running together for a long time.  On the climb, I was catching him, and in descents he go just way fast than I.  He is very good at descending.  When there was like runnable, flat sections, I think I was able to run a little bit better.  Early in the race, I don’t see any reason to try to get ahead, go really fast, loose too much energy that early.  So I just tried to stick with them for a while.  A few kilometers before the Mt.Mito, I decided to running as I will.  I think I go fast that hill.  I was able to put a little bit lead.  I expected catch him the whole race, but I guess I decide a little bit better day.


DC: 彼にレースがどのように進んでいったか聞いてみました。先ほど近藤さん(2位)、菊嶋さん(3位)とも話しましたが、近藤さんはDakotaが最初に後ろにぴったりついてきたのでプレッシャーを感じたといっていました。それについて彼は、最初のうちは確かに最初のうちは近藤さんと一緒に走ったと。特に近藤さんは下りに強い。下りでいつも離されて登りで自分が追いつく、という展開で走っていたと。西原峠あたりで追い抜いてからは、近藤さんがついてくるんじゃないかと思っていたけれどもその後はリードを広げることになった、というわけですね。You made a new course record, beating previous one 7:31 by 9 minutes,  the record by Soma-san, the fourth place yesterday. (注・これまでの7時間31分の大会記録は後藤豊さんによるもので、当方がここで勘違いをしています、ご容赦ください)Soma-san says you are so strong and
saved some power yesterday, so you can cut more 10-15 minutes.

Dakota: He said that?

DC: Yes.  He was excited to break your record.

Dakota: Oh, good, good.

DC: 今、相馬さんとのインタビューで、相馬さんがおっしゃるにはDakotaなら本気でコースのことをわかっていて取り組めば、あと10ー15分は短縮できたかもしれない、相馬さんはDakotaの記録に挑戦したい、とのことでした。Dakotaに自分の今回のタイムをもっと短縮できると思うか、聞いてみたいと思います。If you have chance to try this Hasetsune race again, you can break your own record or not?

Dakota: I think so.  Yeah, you know I think the course knowledge is very beneficial.  If I had  feel to know the course, I think I could.  Predict the climbs, descents, and manage my energy better.

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DC: もちろんコースのことをもっと知って、前半に何があるか、後半に何があるか、自分の体力を調節することができるなら、もっと時間が短縮できたはず、ということなんですね。

DC: Let’s go to the whole impression of Japanese trailrunners, culture, race organizer.  No aid stations but people were cheering on the course.  Race and runners are universal wherever, even though, did you found any difference in this race to the rest of the world?

Dakota: I don’t know, it was interesting there were a lot of people were on the weird spots on the course.  A lot of efforts to get on the course and cheer on.  That alway amazed me a lot.  One aid station was the definite challenge, I’ve never do it befere.  Usually I can get water.  Yesterday, at one point, after I elevated to CP3, I roughly went down to the creek, just drink from the stream of the creek since I was very thirsty.  I hope I won’t get sick.  That was probably the biggest difference, just having no aid stations.

DC: Your hydration strategy worked out?

Dakota: I mean it worked.  It wasn’t confortable.  I ran out of water twice, I was very thirsty.  I really have more bladder and little bit more of a food.  But at last of the race, I usually would, I think it’s OK.

DC Weekly 2022年9月21日 信越五岳、ソロキンが24時間走で世界新、Pikes Peak Ascent / 新城スパルタントレイル上位を4月のアルゼンチンのシリーズ戦に招待

DC: ハセツネでは水がなくて困ったのではという話を聞いたんですけれども、当初の予定通り、2Lの水を最初に持って何とかいけたということですね。彼にとっては水がなくてのどが渇いて仕方がなかった、途中で二度水がなくなってしまったということです。自分で持つ分と月夜見でもらうのと、クリークウォーター、御岳の手前のわき水でも水をくんだ(注・当方の勘違いで、実際には御岳の手前の養沢川に続く沢に入り込んで沢水を飲んだとのこと)ということなんですね。日本のランナーが苦しむのと同じようにして彼も水がなくて苦しんだということなんですね。Last words,  do you have any message to Japanese runners and community?

Dakota: It’s just thank you.  It’s just been wonderful of you, so welcome was the Japanese runner’s community.  You guys put on a really cool race.  Pretty hard, but it grows so fast.  I have to come back soon.

DC: 日本のトレイルランナーの皆さんに本当にありがとうとお礼をいいたい、と。本当にタフなレースで自分もまた日本にきてレースをしたい、ということです。I have another, personal question.  I made a lot of tweets on the progress of the race with hash tag, in Japanese.   Your mom bumped into the conversation, and she was eager to know your situation and asked to tell that in English, so I made some explanation to her in English.  I was so happy to help her.  Did you have any communication with her after that?

Dakota: Yeah, she was very happy to follow the race and what was happening.  She is getting very good at Twitter,  because I was in the race she is learning a lot how to use very well.  She was very happy.

サロモン SPEEDCROSS 6 レビュー:クラシックモデルの新作は走れる現代的なトレイルランニングシューズ

DC: レース中のちょっとしたこぼれ話ですが、僕がツイッターでレースの状況をアップデートしていたんですが、ダコタのお母さん、ベスさんが英語で状況を説明してよ、とツイートしてきたんですね。それで簡単に英語で説明したりしたんですね。That sort of story make us feel more sympathy to you.  You are hardcore athlete, but 21 years old guy with mom and family as well.

DC: Thank so much for coming Japan, and joining race.  Hope to see you again.

Dakota: Of course I will.

DC: Of course in Japan, but any other part in the world as well.

< Bonus-Bamboo talk>

Dakota: Not have seen bamboo.

DC: Not very popular in United States.

Dakota: There is not any bamboo in Europe.

DC: Really.

Dakota: I don’t know.  That’s because you guys have monkeys.  We don’t have any monkeys.  Pretty cool.

DC: Panda eats bamboo leaves.

Dakota: Are there any pandas in Japan?

DC: Actually not. They all extinguished.  We just ” imported”  some pandas from China to zoos.

Dakota: Really.  So there might be any pandas.

DC: I  don’t know.

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